(#38 - #50) Connect and Win/Ending the Game

(#38 - #50) Connect and Win/Ending the Game

50 Fun Things to Take Game-Playing to New Levels!

I have known Sara and her husband Dave, the co-founders of Anrias Games for several years. Most recently, we have done some collaborations between Anrias Games and 50 Fun Things®, a movement I created to foster fulfillment, joy and connection. 

Earlier this year, I hosted an interactive 50 Fun Things® session where we brainstormed ideas for inviting more play into our lives. A big part of this discussion centered on playing games. I picked out 50 ideas to improve or add novelty to your gaming experience. As a guest contributor to the Anrias Games' blog, I’m sharing these ideas with you to inspire even more appreciation for games.

Games get us to think strategically and creatively. They open up our imaginations and teach us new skills. They inspire our collaborative team-spirit while also fueling our competitive side.  I've broken them down into ten categories that align with how we approach game-playing. In the last posts, I share ideas in the categories of Introduction, Environment, Goal, Contents, Rules, BehaviorsThe Play and Create. In this last post of the series, I’ll share the last categories of Connect and Win/Ending the Game. Here are ideas 38-50:

Connect: (Games are a wonderful way to connect with friends old and new. Here are some ideas to foster connection.)

38. Ask your guests to invite a new guest they think would enjoy the game.
39. Play with different partners than you normally would.

40. Try out your partner's or competitor's strategy instead of the strategy you normally use to better understand how they think.

41. Trade boardgames.

42. Meet new people or connect with friends far away through online games. You can play online games with friends from anywhere in the world as a fun way to stay in touch.

43. Leave a care package or May Basket for someone that includes a fun game. 

44. Create items for your windows, pictures, etc then kids in the neighborhood can do scavenger hunts looking for items we put in windows. (Thanks Sara for this great idea, especially during COVID-19! I put a large stuffed animal lion in the window and enjoyed seeing neighborhood children point at it as they walked by with their parents.)

45. Play "Story Time" with friends - it's normally a dinner table game - but taking it virtual has been fun too. Start a story with one or two sentences. The next person does the same and take turns to build upon the story to see where it goes.

46. Organize a game night with a senior center! I did this with Sara and her friends. It was a great way to have fun while fostering connection.

Win/Ending the game:  

(The game can end when someone reaches a goal, a timer runs out or other methods such as all cards are played.)

47. Use colorful pens or markers to keep track of points. Each player or team has their own set of colors to keep score.

48. Find fun prizes or white elephant gifts to give to game winners (these can be silly things you've found in your home at no cost)

49. Create or re-purpose old awards for the winner (e.g. old bowling or sports trophies modified to look as if they are holding a game piece). 

50. Designate titles for different ways of "winning" a la yearbook style. "Finally Defeated," "Longest Turn-Taker" or "Strangest Strategy."

Research shows that play supports our well-being, reduces stress, increases our brain function, skill-building, sense of connection and much more. Why not get creative and intentional with how you incorporate games into your life?

Which ideas will you use? Please share your ideas as a comment to the blog. 

Teresa Thomas is a speaker, facilitator and author whose focus is on catalyzing mutually beneficial connections for joy and fulfillment personally and professionally. She is the creator of 50 Fun Things®, a movement and tool which motivates people to dream and take action to live joy-filled lives.

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