Delusions of Grandeur or Secret Ambition

Delusions of Grandeur or Secret Ambition


I want to invent a “1000 year old game”. That is a game that would be played for 1000 years. When I was in High School, I received the game Oh Wah Ree (a 3,000 year old game) for Christmas. I still have it tucked away in my game collection, somewhere.

Oh Wah Ree is much like Mancala. I loved playing the ancient game of pits and pebbles. There were many variations of the game. I even created a beach version at Pokegama Lake with my High School friends, literally digging pits in the sand and playing with beach rocks. This was the small seed of my ambition for the “1000 year old” game.

Another inspiration for me was Michelangelo’s painting of the Sistine Chapel. I read the book “The Agony and the Ecstasy. I was impressed that Michelangelo created something that we still see today, 508 years later. This was the small seed of my delusions of grandeur, that I would of make a difference in the world. My high school fantasies of fame and fortune matured to makingan authentic difference in the world. For example, I ran a garage sale to combat World hunger for many years. Now at 65, in my old age, I am back to my secret ambition (delusion of grandeur) of the “1000 year old game”.

Come with me, through my Anrias Gazette blogs, to explore game history as part of the game development process. Normally, I start with an idea for a game much as you start with an idea to write a story. With the Wyne Tasting Game the idea was people having fun with wine and food.


 To develop a game that would last 1,000 years, first I need to answer this question:

What are some of the characteristics of some of the oldest games on the planet?

1. Many of the oldest games are for two players: Chess dated 600 AD, Nine man Morris dated 1400 BCE, GO  Dated 2000 BCE, Royal Game of Ur dated 2600-2400 BCE, Backgammon  dated  3000, BCE Checkers dated 3000 BCE, and Senet dated 3500 BCE

2. The games adapt to many countries, cultures and times.

Chess started in India and was called Chaturanga.  It was based on four divisions of the military, infantry, cavalry, elephantry and chariotry- these became the pieces: pawn, knight, bishop and rook.  

Nine Man Morris was popular in Ancient Rome with boards carved into Roman Buildings.  

Go originated in China. Legend has it that Go was created by Chinese Emperor Yao (2356-2255 BCE)  to enlighten his son, Danzhu and teach him discipline, concentration and balance.  But the name “Go” comes from Japan.

Mehen. created in 2700 BCE. was an ancient multi-player game .  It was found in King Peribsen’s tomb.  It is named for a snake god, with a snake shaped board.  It’s exact rules are unknown.  The Royal game of Ur had rules that were reconstructed from a cuneiform tablet. The game can be played online.

Backgammon’s rules have changed as it is played in different countries. Even names change. Checkers is also called Draughts.  

3. Many of the oldest games have a permanence to the playing pieces. Boards carved in structures, Mehen pieces made of ivory, and Backgammon markers of turquoise and agate. Kings taking them to their graves.

4. For lasting power, a game has to be widely played. An example is Oware (a basis for Oh Wah Ree) which is the oldest board game widely played in the world today, according to The Oware Society it is a pit and pebble game, a type of game that has been in existence for seven thousand years.

Check out my next installment, which will be about the Oware game and it’s impact over it’s thousands of years of play.

Woodtick Races Pt.4: ... And What's Next?

Woodtick Races Pt.4: ... And What's Next?